Term 4 Week 9 2023
Hello friends,
I extend my sincere gratitude to our families and friends of Christ the King School for your support throughout 2023.
We recently celebrated our Yr 6 class of 2023 graduation and our Farewell Assembly today in the hall. These occasions remind me of the wonderful year that our Year 6s have had and the wonderful year that our CTK community has had.
Students’ final day for the 2023 school year is Wednesday 13 December. Staff finish their school year on 15 December and will take part in Professional Development activities and student transition information throughout 14 and 15 of December.
Whatever activities and holiday plans your family has, I take this opportunity to wish our families and community members a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone back at school in 2024.
Our 3 - Way conversations take place on Monday 29 January and our students return to school on 30 January.
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” —Vern McLellan
Thanks and Holiday Blessings,
Matt Perry
As we come to the close of 2023 I reflect on the many wonderful examples of our faith in action. From our stunning Yr. 6 Stations of the Cross, the masses and prayer services, the Vinnies donations in Winter, Feast Day and Caritas, the beautiful Giving Tree, classroom prayer, our Reception Nativity re-enactment to Tuesday Nights Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation. Our cup overflowed this year and I wish that your cup overflows with Joy, Peace, Love and Hope throughout the Christmas Season and into 2024.
Included with todays newsletter are the times for the Christmas Masses at Brighton including the wonderful Christmas Eve Mass at Sacred Heart.
Teresa Pascoe
APRIM (Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission)
This term in our Library/ Digi-Tech lessons we have been looking at forced perspective. The students have found this type of photography fascinating. To capture this fascination, we will run a photographic competition through the summer holidays.
Students are invited to take a photo that shows forced perspective and share it with the school. Entries can be emailed to me at tpascoe@christing.catholic.edu.au from the 20th of January.
Students are invited to take a photo between the last day of 2023 school year and the First day of 2024 school year showing some form of forced perspective. Entries will be displayed ion the Library window for all to admire. A Book Voucher will be awarded to the winner. A competition handout has been given to children during lessons this week.
Teresa Pascoe
Teacher / Librarian
We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Scholastic Book Club for next year.
Minimal time is required to process book orders.
Please see Meri Blake at the Front Office if you are interested.
If we don't have a volunteer, the Book Club will not be able to continue.
Important Dates
Last Day of Term 4
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Three Way Conversations
First day of Term 1 2024
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
CTK Calendar

CTK School Calendar can now be accessed through the Audiri App.