Term 3 Week 4 2023
Hello Friends
It’s fantastic to see community in action with community members catching up in the mornings and afternoons, chatting in the courtyard and playground areas. To this end, I remind families, that if you can spare the time, our Café is open from 8.20am to 8.45am. Feel free to drop in for a coffee or tea.
Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to those students in Years 3-6 who competed in the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival last Thursday, 10 August. Our students performed valiantly and gave their best effort, displaying sportspersonship skills and respect. Children competed on a 2Km course in the parklands in the city. Well done to all. Thanks to our volunteers who donated their time to help on the day.
CTK Quiz Night
On Saturday 12 August, our amazing Parents and Friends group hosted the 2023 CTK School Quiz Night. 11 tables answered questions on various topics and competed in a Scavenger hunt, took part in raffles and played games, all in the name of raising money for our school. My thanks to our P and F Group, our parents and community members for their support of the night, all our community members who purchased raffle tickets and everyone for coming to the event. My thanks and appreciation.
Congratulations to our Raffle prize winners on the night:
- Mia Earl
- Shayne Dryden
- Jess Harris
- Anne Marie Hall
Safety Concern
I am concerned about the number of incidences I have seen where students are getting in and out of cars stopped in the middle of Jeffrey Ave and Walkley Tce. This practice is dangerous for a number of reasons including:
- Children need to walk into the middle of the road to enter/exit the vehicles
- Vehicles are illegally stopped
- Traffic becomes congested around our school at peak times
- Motorists' frustrations are increased
I remind community members that this practice is a traffic offence and therefore liable to traffic infringements and fines.
“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”
– Anthony J. D’Angelo, author
Thanks and blessings
Matt Perry
Thousands of people around the world play sport every week.
How many Christians don’t just play sport but actually see that the sport they follow and faith are integrated? Not separate areas - “I go to church on Sunday and play sport during the week” - but integrated - “I play sport as part of a whole life view of worship”.
To see how someone can move from being a Christian who plays sport to being a Christian in sport let’s see what the Bible says about sport.
It may be a surprise to you, but sport is part of God’s good gift of creation. Sure, human beings are the ones who invented sports, but where does our playfulness come from? The creativity, the desire for human relationship, and the instinctive desire to play that all people, of all ages, across all cultures have, are all part of what it means to be made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
God is the Creator and so being made in God’s image makes us creative with the talents to strike a ball, take a shot, or swim quickly. Equally God is a relational God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and so our desire to play with others pushing them on in competition comes from God. Sport is not some area outside of God’s good creation, it is an integral part of it, a gift to be enjoyed to his glory.
Inspired by Christiansinsport.org.
In that light the joy that sport brings us is in direct connection with God!
SACRAMENTS- Reconciliation
All students in Year 4 have received an enrolment form to begin their preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation (it used to be called Confession). This is the first step in preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in 2024.
Please consider enrolling your child for their preparation, spare forms can be collected from myself or emailed home- tpascoe@christking.catholic.edu.au
We will gather as a school community on Thursday 24th. This special prayer event during Book Week is to honour the GREATEST BOOK ever written- The Bible. Everyone is invited to join us.
Please follow this link to read the newsletter from out parish. It is full of important dates, reminder, useful advice, mass times etc. Please take some time to get to know our parish.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal
(APRIM Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission)
21st AUGUST 9am
Over the term families have received a Book Week hints and info pages. The day of the parade is within easy reach. It is open to all visitors and we encourage siblings to come along dressed and excited about being part of the parade. A page giving the week’s timetable is coming home Wednesday 16th.
Parade Useful hints:
- A change of shoes if coming in slippers, footy boots etc.
- A warm hoodie, cardigan if your costume has short sleeves, thin material.
- Name EVERYTHING . Accessories used as part of a costume- sword, skateboard, fishing rod etc. will stay in the classrooms at recess and lunch. Having accessories in a named plastic bag saves the confusion over footballs, wands etc. at the end of the day
During the week there will also be other activities to enjoy and promote reading. The week will finish with a beanie and scarf day to celebrate our favourite book so far of the books up for the CBCA Award- ‘Frank’s red Hat’.
Teresa Pascoe
In Year 3, we have commenced some great learning. In Maths, we have been focusing on measurement and using different tools to measure the length, mass and capacity of an object. Whilst investigating length, we have measured around the classroom, the school and even completed a scavenger hunt comparing the different heights of the Matilda’s players. Go Matildas!
During STEM, our Year 3 class made a Marble Maze only using paper plates, straws and popsticks. The students did a fantastic job and used their critical and creative thinking to complete this task. We are excited for the remainder of the term and all the exciting learning that is still to come!

Usually the enrolment process for students commences 18 months prior to the date for which you are seeking enrolment (generally in Term 3 and Term 4 of the year your child is in Year 5) Each Catholic school has its own enrolment criteria, fee structure and availablity of places.
Please see details below for two of our feeder schools
- Sacred Heart College please click here or phone 8350 2500
- Cabra Dominican College please click here or phone 8179 2400
If you would like enrolment information please click on the links or contact the schools directly via telephone.
Families are kindly asked to contact the school office before 9.30am if your child will be absent or late.
Please phone 8198 3100 (select option 1 and leave a message) Please leave the student’s name, class and the reason for the student’s absence.
If an absence is unexplained an automatic SMS message will be sent to parents requesting confirmation of an absence.
ALL students who arrive at school after the 8.45am bell must sign in at the Front Office.
Students who need to leave school before the 3.10pm dismissal time must be signed out in the Front Office by an adult.
Communication with the classroom teacher is required when a student:
- Is going to arrive at school late, due to a pre-arrangement
- Needs to leave before dismissal time
- Is going on a family holiday. For extended holiday’s (7 days or more) an application for exemption from school must be completed and submitted to the Principal. Forms are available from the Front Office.
- Any other pre-arranged absence.
We value parents and friends involvement wherever possible. The knowledge, skills, dedication, and time that you share with us as a volunteer is greatly appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering at CTK with school activities/sporting events /excursions, the front office will need to site copies of the following: -
Working with Children Check (WWCC) also known as Police Clearance.
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRAN-EC) certificate.
We welcome new volunteers to CTK, and Volunteer Packs are available from the Front Office with further information. Thank you.
Important Dates
Assembly - Year 1
Book Week Character Parade 9am
Catholic Schools Open Week 21 - 27 August
School Tour 9.30am
Assembly - Rec
CTK School Photos
Mass 9am
Father's Day Sausage Sizzle 3:10pm - 5pm
School Board
Last day of Term 3 - normal dismissal time
Pupil Free Day
First Day Term 4 2023
Christ the King School Concert
Pupil Free Day
CTK Calendar

CTK School Calendar can now be accessed through the Audiri App.
