Our active play-based school uniform is a relaxed, sports style uniform that is more comfortable and versatile for students, empowering them with the confidence to engage in any activity. This results in a more dynamic and holistic educational experience that focuses more on learning and is not limited by the physical barriers of a formal-style uniform.
Comfort and Mobility
We aim to provide uniforms that allow for greater ease of movement and physical activity, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle and encouraging more involvement in physical school activities.
Interchangeable options available to every student to ensure all students have a choice with how they want to wear the uniform, encouraging comfort, confidence, and independence.
Having a single, versatile uniform all year round gives families fewer uniform items to buy, reducing uniform-related expenses in the long term. The aim will be to offer uniform items that are also cheaper.
School Identity
The new uniform would still maintain distinctive elements that reflect our school's identity and values, while also incorporating modern and functional design elements.
Environmental Impact
A durable and multi-purpose uniform made of modern materials provides a long-lasting garment which is eco-friendly to wash and wear.
8.30am - 10.00am
Monday mornings during school terms.
Online Ordering
Delivery information is on the online shop home page. AfterPay available.
How to order online:
Collection of order
Orders placed via the above portal will be completed at school on Monday mornings once items are in stock. Completed orders will be sent home at the end of the day with your child.
For enquires, please contact:
Mardi G
Uniform Coordinator
Email: cumberlandpark@noone.com.au
These guidelines are designed to maintain a consistent appearance and to promote inclusivity within our school community.
Importance of Wearing the Correct Uniform
Wearing the correct uniform is crucial for several reasons:
1. General Appearance
2. Basic Uniform Requirements
3. Outer Garments
4. Footwear
5. Accessories
7. Hats
9. Hair and personal appearance
10. School Bags