Our School Uniform

Our School Uniform

Our active play-based school uniform is a relaxed, sports style uniform that is more comfortable and versatile for students, empowering them with the confidence to engage in any activity. This results in a more dynamic and holistic educational experience that focuses more on learning and is not limited by the physical barriers of a formal-style uniform. 

Uniform Items

View our uniform below

Polo | Short Sleeve


Uniform Items



Uniform Items

School bag with logo


Uniform Items

Polo | Long Sleeve


Uniform Items



Uniform Items

School Hat with Logo


Uniform Items

Boss Top


Uniform Items

Track Pants


Uniform Items

Library Bag


Uniform Items

Jacket | Soft Shell


Uniform Items

Art Smock

*Available upon request

Uniform Items

What are the aims of the active uniform?

Comfort and Mobility 

We aim to provide uniforms that allow for greater ease of movement and physical activity, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle and encouraging more involvement in physical school activities.



Interchangeable options available to every student to ensure all students have a choice with how they want to wear the uniform, encouraging comfort, confidence, and independence.


Having a single, versatile uniform all year round gives families fewer uniform items to buy, reducing uniform-related expenses in the long term. The aim will be to offer uniform items that are also cheaper.

School Identity

The new uniform would still maintain distinctive elements that reflect our school's identity and values, while also incorporating modern and functional design elements.

Environmental Impact

A durable and multi-purpose uniform made of modern materials provides a long-lasting garment which is eco-friendly to wash and wear.

CTK Uniform Shop

Opening Hours

8.30am - 10.00am

Monday mornings during school terms.


Online Ordering

Delivery information is on the online shop home page. AfterPay available.

How to order online:

  1. Create an Account (optional)
  2. Add products to your cart
  3. Fill in the Special Instructions for seller field with your child's name.
  4. Check out by following the prompts.
  5. You can log back in at any time and view your past orders.



Collection of order 

Orders placed via the above portal will be completed at school on Monday mornings once items are in stock. Completed orders will be sent home at the end of the day with your child.

For enquires, please contact:

Mardi G

Uniform Coordinator

Email: cumberlandpark@noone.com.au

Uniform Guidelines


These guidelines are designed to maintain a consistent appearance and to promote inclusivity within our school community.


Importance of Wearing the Correct Uniform

Wearing the correct uniform is crucial for several reasons:

  • It displays unity, identity and inclusivity
  • Uniforms create a sense of belonging and unity among students.
  • The uniform serves as a visual representation of our school.
  • Adhering to uniform standards fosters discipline and a sense of responsibility.
  • It encourages students to take pride in their appearance and in our school.



1. General Appearance

  • Uniforms must be clean, well-maintained, and properly fitted and worn at all times.
  • All garments should be free from tears, and other signs of wear.
  • The uniform must be worn as intended, with no unauthorised modifications or additions.
  • Students are to wear the school uniform to cater for weather or modesty.


2. Basic Uniform Requirements

  • Approved short or long sleeve polo shirt with school logo.
  • Approved long pants, shorts, or skorts with school logo.
  • Plain white socks.
  • Fully white or black sports shoe.


3. Outer Garments

  • Jackets, rain jackets and ‘boss’ tops are approved optional items for added warmth.


4. Footwear

  • Footwear must be clean, and in good condition.
  • Only fully white or black sports shoes are permitted. No street-style sneakers, thongs, or sandals.
  • White socks must be worn with shoes.
  • Socks should be plain, without logos or patterns, and should cover the ankle.


5. Accessories

  • Jewellery is permitted in the form of small gold or silver sleepers or stud earrings (1 pair).
  • Necklaces are permitted being gold or silver in colour with a gold or silver cross or crucifix.
  • Other religious jewellery/items are through consultation with the school Principal.
  • No stockings or leggings are to be worn under the skort. The pants are available for students who would like a full leg clothing option.


7. Hats

  • Our school requires that hats be worn by all students from January to May and from September to December when outside and in direct sunlight. Hats are not required during the winter months of June, July & August.
  • Students who do not have appropriate hats or outdoor clothing are asked to play in the shade or a suitable area protected from the sun.
  • Hats must be worn appropriately and should be kept clean and in good condition.
  • Spare hats are not loaned to students as this may facilitate the spread of headlice.


9. Hair and personal appearance

  • Hair should be neatly groomed and styled in a manner that does not interfere with the uniform's appearance.
  • Hair should be neat and tidy at all times and not hang across the eyes or in front of the shoulders when leaning forward.
  • Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied back.
  • Hair ties should be navy blue yellow or the colour of the hair that is being tied.
  • Hair accessories must match be navy, gold, or light blue (school colours) or match hair colour.
  • Hair accessories must be of practical size for school and not distract from learning.
  • Nails are to be free of coloured nail polish.


10. School Bags

  • The school bag with school logo is to be used by all students.
  • Students in Junior Primary classes must also to use the school communication bag with school logo.